
SLA 355nm Transparent Resin

SLA 3D printing clear material Achieve Crystal Clear Precision with Perfect Clarity, High Precision, and Superior Performance

Achieve perfect optical clarity

355nm transparent resin is a specialized photopolymer material designed for stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing using a 355nm wavelength light source. This resin offers exceptional optical clarity and transparency, making it ideal for various applications that require high-quality transparent parts.


  • Optical components: Lenses, prisms, waveguides, Lighting fixtures and light guides.
  • product development: Prototyping for transparent products and Concept models and design verification.
  • Medical and dental devices: Dental aligners, surgical guides, etc.

Clarity and Transparency

high light transmission and visibility

High Dimensional Accuracy

intricate designs and fine details


Offers good mechanical strength and toughness

Smooth Surface Finish

Prints with a high-quality, smooth surface texture

Technical Specifications

  • Density (g/cm3 @ 25℃):1.12
  • Curing depth(mm):0.18
  • Critical exposure (mJ/cm2):7.7
  • Hardness(D):83
  • Construction layer thickness (mm):0.1
  • Elongation at break:10%
  • Heat distortion temperature (℃):50

Application Scenarios

Solutions in various field

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