Durable 405nm Tough Resin

Produce Functional Prototypes and End-Use Parts with Our Tough 405nm Resin

Fast Photocuring

● Exceptional Toughness & Resistant to Breakage
● Strong Elongation & High Flexibility
● High Precision, Minimal Shrinkage

Tough Resin for Durable DLP 3D Printed Parts

Our 405nm tough resin is engineered to produce highly durable and impact-resistant parts using DLP (Digital Light Processing) 3D printing technology. This specialized photopolymer resin cures under 405nm wavelength light, enabling the creation of functional prototypes and end-use components with exceptional toughness.

Applications for Durable DLP Printed Parts

The outstanding toughness of our 405nm resin makes it suitable for a wide range of applications requiring durable and functional 3D printed parts:

  • Manufacturing: Print functional prototypes for design verification, testing, and tooling.
  • Consumer Products: Produce durable end-use parts like housings, enclosures, and consumer goods.
  • Transportation: Create structural components subjected to high loads and impacts.

Resin Parameters

UV wavelength: 405nm

Density: 1.10-1.15g/cm³

Viscosity: 150-250 MPa·s

Felxural Modulus: >900-1200 MPa

Heat deflection temp: >60-65℃

Impact Strength: >50-60J/m

Tensile modules of elasticity: 800-1200MPa

Elongation Break: 12-16%

Flexural Strength: 35-45 MPa

Hardness: 76 Shore D

Tensile strength: 50-60 MPa

With its exceptional toughness, thermal resistance, and ease of use, our 405nm tough resin expands the capabilities of DLP 3D printing for producing durable, functional parts across diverse industries.

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