
Unlock the Potential of SLS 3D Printing with Nylon TPU

High-performance materials for precision, durability, and flexibility

Nylon TPU Powder

Sustainable Performance and Versatility for PA11

Nylon TPU materials for SLS 3D printing offer a unique combination of flexibility, durability, and design freedom, making them suitable for a wide range of applications where rubber-like properties are desired. Their ability to produce complex, functional parts without support structures makes them particularly valuable for prototyping and low-volume production of flexible components

Material properties

ZONGHENG3D SP-PA12 is a black powdered 3D printed nylon powder that can be used to prepare a variety of resin models, craft items and industrial parts for a wide range of desktop grade SLS printers.

46 MPa

Tensile strenght

>1860 MPa

Tensile modulus


Elongation at break

175 °C

Melting point

40-45 μm

density D50

Flexibility and Durability Choice for Engineering

Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) is an elastomeric material that combines high elongation at break with superior tear strength

Key Features:

  • No Support Structures: “Design complex geometries without the need for support structures.”
  • High Productivity: “Fast scanning speeds and efficient material use for rapid production.”
  • Excellent Mechanical Properties: “Strong layer adhesion for durable, isotropic parts.”
  • Ideal for Prototyping and Production: “Quickly iterate designs and move to production seamlessly.”

Nylon PA12 applications for automotive industry

PA11's biocompatibility significantly influences its use in medical devices, making it a valuable material for various medical applications. Here's how PA11's biocompatibility impacts its use in the medical field

Medical-Grade Applications: PA11 has been developed specifically for medical applications, combining performance and lightweight properties with sustainability credentials.
Exterior Medical Applications: PA11’s biocompatibility makes it suitable for exterior medical applications, such as prosthetics and orthotics.
Device-Related Infections: The use of PA11 in antimicrobial composites for medical devices addresses the issue of device-related infections.
Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering: Studies have shown that PA11/12 can be used for creating biocompatible 3D-printed bioreactors.
Long-Term Skin Contact: Some biocompatible materials derived from PA11 have been approved for long-term skin contact (>30 days).

PA11's biocompatibility, combined with its mechanical properties and sustainability, makes it an increasingly important material in the medical device industry. It allows for the creation of safe, effective, and environmentally friendly medical devices that can improve patient care and outcomes.

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